ADIPEC 2023 - Transformative 氢 Projects
mt (t) of CO2 a year at 2 of the largest CCS facilities
of the UK's industrial clusters
From the Americas to Europe and across the Middle East, Africa and Asia Pacific, 我们正在为脱碳和数字化解决方案提供建议和设计,以确保按时实现能源转型.
We’re already mitigating millions of metric tons of carbon emissions, 在英国四分之三的产业集群和两个世界上最大的碳捕获和储存设施上工作, pinpointing key funding mechanisms along the way.
我们正在确保世界能够获得实现低碳未来的解决方案. From our world-leading expertise in carbon capture, utilisation and storage to hydrogen 生产, 运输及最终用途, Wood is helping clients decarbonise their existing operations to create clean, affordable and secure energy systems.
Whether you are navigating the Inflation Reduction Act, 寻求能源部和直接空气捕获行动的资金申请指导, 木头有帮助. 我们的专家精通全球政策,因为他们正在迅速适应,为子孙后代创造一个更可持续的未来.
From our shared ambition towards creating a better tomorrow, Wood’s approach across the pillars of 人, 地球 and 利润以坚实的基础和目标为支撑,挑战我们的业务,为世界上最关键的挑战解锁解决方案.
The ability to convert renewable energy from wind, 将太阳能和潮汐能转化为碳中和能源是创造更绿色未来的关键.
权力-to-X technologies are decarbonising a variety of critical sectors, producing new fuels and chemicals like ammonia, e-甲醇和e-甲烷有利于地面、空中运输和航运等行业的运营.
The aviation industry has clear intentions to drive decarbonisation at pace. 英国的目标是到2030年减排15%,到2040年减排40%. 另外, 在北美, 《10bet十博注册网站》的目标是到2050年实现美国航空业温室气体净零排放.
Wood知道伙伴关系将在打开全球新能源和创新前沿方面发挥重要作用,并正在与长期合作伙伴合作, 比如霍尼韦尔UOP, to combine technologies to produce carbon-neutral, and even carbon negative, renewable fuels to transform the industry.
Technology that puts air travel on a flight towards a net-zero future
What if there was a way to see the unseeable? Our software is the fastest on the market, cheaper than current alternatives and the most precise globally available.
Our Iris Edge platform is a combination of expert technology, 可信赖的传感器和定制的部署硬件简化了甲烷检测的合规性, 帮助您快速消除处罚并加速您的脱碳策略.
Iris Edge the world's fastest and most accurate methane detection tool
我们正在为全球低碳管道提供概念和前端工程与设计(FEED)研究, 包括近2个,000 miles of onshore low carbon pipelines 在北美.
在过去十年中,六次在《10bet十博注册网站》的国际设计公司排行榜上排名第一, Wood的专家们迄今已设计了美国最长的5条管道,在清洁能源基础设施投资不断增加的背景下,他们看到全球新项目的蓬勃发展.
鉴于氨的许多潜在应用,它作为可持续长期能源结构的一部分,在粮食安全和能源转型中发挥着关键作用, and according to the IEA, ammonia demand will grow by 25% by 2050.
伍德参与了几个关于蓝氨和绿氨的研究和项目. We are working with ADNOC on the development of a global-scale blue ammonia 生产 facility 在阿布扎比. 我们还在框架协议下为Horisont Energi提供广泛的服务套件,包括 Europe’s first large-scale 生产 facility for blue ammonia. 另外, on the green side we are involved in Total Eren's Magallanes project 在智利, 我们的知识将在哪里帮助支持世界上最大的此类项目之一的绿色氢生产氨.
We help our clients reach their sustainability goals. 消除塑料垃圾是朝着建立面向未来的全球社区的挑战迈出的又一步.
在我们共同追求可持续未来的过程中,循环经济是一个至关重要且不断发展的行业. 我们正在探索新的概念和创新的解决方案,以支持可持续发展的环境,并在全球范围内开发新的能源解决方案.
OMV collaboration agreement for innovative plastic recycling technology
Advanced-plastic recycling projects across the US and UK award
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